(China) YY0001A Tensile Recovery instrumen (Knitting ASM D3107)

Katrangan Singkat:

Used for measuring the tensile, growth and recovery properties of woven fabrics after applying certain tension and elongation to all or part of woven fabrics containing elastic yarns.

Detail Produk

Tag Produk


Used for measuring the tensile, growth and recovery properties of woven fabrics after applying certain tension and elongation to all or part of woven fabrics containing elastic yarns.

Standard Rapat

ASTM D 3107-2007. ASTMD 1776; ATTMD 2904

Paramèter teknis

1. Stasiun Tes: 6 klompok
2. Clamp Upper: 6
3. Clamp ngisor: 6
4 .. Tinggi Tension: 1.8kg (4LB.) - 3 PC
1,35 kg (3 lb.) --- 3 PC
5. Ukuran Sample: 50 × 560mm (l × w)
6. Dimensi: 1000 × 500 × 1500mm (l × w × h)

Dhaptar Konfigurasi

1. Host --- 1 set

2.Temokake bobote 1.8kg (4LB.) T ---- 3 PC

3.Tensi Timbang 1.35kg (3LB.) T ---- 3 PC

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