Used for measuring the tensile, growth and recovery properties of woven fabrics after applying certain tension and elongation to all or part of woven fabrics containing elastic yarns.
ASTM D 3107-2007. ASTMD 1776; ATTMD 2904
1. Stasiun Tes: 6 klompok
2. Clamp Upper: 6
3. Clamp ngisor: 6
4 .. Tinggi Tension: 1.8kg (4LB.) - 3 PC
1,35 kg (3 lb.) --- 3 PC
5. Ukuran Sample: 50 × 560mm (l × w)
6. Dimensi: 1000 × 500 × 1500mm (l × w × h)
1. Host --- 1 set
2.Temokake bobote 1.8kg (4LB.) T ---- 3 PC
3.Tensi Timbang 1.35kg (3LB.) T ---- 3 PC